Getting Started Training Course
30th November 2014, 14:00 - 19:00
New Ash Green Youth Centre (Ash Green Scouts HQ). Download application form here. Email to Bruce Muckelt, Local Training Manager via
Details of course below:
As a new leader in Scouting you will start your training by undertaking the modules which we refer to as the 'Getting Started' modules. These modules are module 1, 2 & 3 or 4 for Line Managers.
These modules need to be completed within your first five months in Scouting so that your full warrant can be issued.
To help you plan and validate these modules you will be allocated a Training Advisor who can guide you through your learning process.
Your Group Scout Leader is responsible for helping you achieve your training so please ask then for their help when you need it.
Once you have completed your 'Getting Started' you are in control with the help of your GSL to book onto courses, attend the training and request validation for modules you are ready to sign off to achieve your Wood Beads.
A training advisor will contact you to arrange validation when you have made the request.
Module 01 - Essential information
Module 01 will look at the fundamental values of Scouting, Child protection, Risk Assessment and the support and structure available to you.
Module 02 - Personal Learning Plan
Module 02 is where you sit down with your training advisor and work out which modules you will need to learn and which modules you already have the knowledge for due to experience from work, other voluntary positions etc.
A plan is decided between the Leader and the training advisor agreeing which modules the Leader will need to learn.
Module 03 - Tools for the job
This module is about what you do in your section all the time - opening ceremony, investitures, games, going up ceremonies, awarding badges and closing ceremonies
Module 06 - Changes in Scouting
If time permits we shall also run this Module which has a fun quiz