Just like all our sections, Squirrels helps young people gain skills for life - with a focus on the outdoors.
With Squirrels, we can open new doors with underrepresented communities. Our pilots have thrived in Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. They've reinvigorated districts, allowing us to welcome a new pool of potential volunteers and families we wouldn't ordinarily reach.
It's the best of Scouts - learning by doing and getting into the great outdoors - combined with early years best practice of storytelling, routine and play.
Check out our brilliant new badges such as Challenge All Adventure and Go Wild, plus the top award - the Acorn Award. The whole programme is designed to tap into the curiosity of this energetic age range, giving them new experiences that inspire and delight.
Over 200 Squirrel Dreys are starting this term, with even more to come over the next couple years
Squirrels is big news for us - our first new addition for more than 35 years!
It's even bigger news for the young people who'll join. After the disruptions of the pandemic, it's all the more important to be making friends, having fun and finding their #SkillsForLife, at an age and in communities where access to Scouts can really shape their life chances.
Carl Hankinson UK Chief Commissioner Scouts
Matt Hyde Chief Executive Scouts
Andrew Bollington Early Years Programme Sponsor Scouts
The 2024 Swanley District AGM, reviewing the period May 2023 to April 2024, will be held on Thursday 24th October at Horton Kirby Scouts HQ. The AGM...