Longfield & Hartley
Longfield and Hartley has its own purpose-built headquarters in Larkswell Lane, Hartley, providing young people with fun Scouting challenges and adventures which are undertaken outside in local woodland during the spring and summer terms. The group is open to all young people in the Longfield and Hartley area, with one Beaver Colony, one Cub Scout Pack, and one Scout Troop plus the Speedwell Explorer Scout Unit.
Scarf: brown with yellow border and Group Badge.
Meeting Nights:
Beavers: Monday 17:00 - 18:15 (Bertram Colony)
Cubs: Tuesday 18:30 -20:00 (Jungle Pack)
Scouts: Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00 (Castle Troop)
Explorers: Closed (We have a good relationship with the District's Excelsior Explorer Scout Unit)
Email: info@swanleyscouts.org.uk for more information
Go to their Group website: www.longfieldhartleyscouts.org.uk